Thursday, May 17, 2012

Los Angeles Heat,

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Noel Gomez

Cell (562) 325 4359
Fax (562) 821 2904

9120 Norwalk Blvd
Santa Fe Springs,Ca

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Established Security Service in Santa Fe Springs,

B & D Security, Inc. offers the latest in Santa Fe Springs security. We provide all the tools and systems necessary for keeping you and your possessions safe. Call us today.
We aren't one of those companies who advertises on radio, television, or even the phone book. All our business is by referral. It is paramount to our business philosophy that we have NO unhappy customers, as we guarantee customer satisfaction. We offer 1.5-2 hours of training on a system during the first 3-45 days in 3-4 sessions. We depend on our clients for future business and 40% of our clientele is in law enforcement/legal system. So with our 16 year business experience, we are happy to service our 7000 clients in California.
At B & D Security, Inc., we believe that it's impossible to put a price tag on safety and peace of mind. As a comprehensive security service in Sants Fe Springs, our goal is to keep our clients safe and secure. Whether you're looking to safeguard a high-profile establishment or simply want to go the extra mile to protect your family members or employees, our services are designed to address your needs and take worry and stress out of the equation.

A Dedicated Team of Professionals

What sets B & D Security, Inc. apart as a Santa Fe Springs security service is our team of well-trained, devoted professionals. When you hire us, you'll benefit from our:
  • Competitive rates
  • Experienced personnel
  • Wide range of security products and services

You deserve to go about your daily business feeling comfortable and confident that a security service professional has you covered. To learn more about our company or to set up an on-site consultation, call B & D Security, Inc. today.

Noel Gomez

Cell (562) 325 4359
Fax (562) 821 2904

9120 Norwalk Blvd
Santa Fe Springs,Ca

To help decide if you need a professionally monitored alarm system, ask yourself:,

  • Do you keep valuable possessions in your house?

  • Does your house lack privacy fencing?

  • Do you have electronic equipment?

  • Do you own jewelry?

  • Do you leave your home unattended for more than a few hours?

  • Has crime increased in your neighborhood?

  • Do you want more protection?

  • Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Is my home at risk of burglary?,

    Recent studies show that 1 in every 4 homes nationwide will be burglarized over the next 3 years. Officials inform us that most burglars spend little, if any, time planning their break-in. Burglars target homes that look like easy marks.
    To help decide if you need a professionally monitored alarm system, ask yourself:

    • Do you keep valuable possessions in your house?
    • Does your house lack privacy fencing?
    • Do you have electronic equipment?
    • Do you own jewelry?
    • Do you leave your home unattended for more than a few hours?
    • Has crime increased in your neighborhood?
    • Do you want more protection?
    If you answered Yes to any of the above questions, you can benefit from the peace of mind a home security alarm system delivers. Contact B&D Security for a free security evaluation with one of our expert security consultants. We can design a system that will protect you and your family!

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    “Peace of mind” ,

    Why an alarm system? Is one of the most common questions asked by most homeowners that are considering what is the difference between having a professionally monitor alarm system installed versus not having one.
    To answer this question let’s first discuss what happens when a burglary occurs at a home without a professionally monitored alarm system. Recent statistics show that 1 burglary occurs every 14.6 seconds. Over 60% of all burglaries occur between 6am and 6pm. This means most burglaries occur when you are not at home. Without an alarm system a burglary can occur without the homeowner’s knowledge, which can lead to extensive damages to your property and harm to your family. In 2009 alone, U.S burglary victims lost 4.6 billion dollars in property. In many cases, family members or the homeowner confront the intruder(s) during the burglary.
    Peace of Mind is the #1 reason homeowners install professionally monitored alarm systems.
    If you could deter burglars and keep your family safe, would you? When you install a professionally monitored alarm system, a yard sign and decal for the windows are the first line of defense implemented to deter burglaries. In fact, having a security system reduces the chance of a burglary triple fold. If a burglary should occur, the alarm system siren will sound loudly, local police will immediately be dispatched, and our central station will contact the homeowner to advise them of the situation.

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca


    The monitoring station is what alerts the homeowner and the authorities that the alarm has been triggered at your home. This is the key to keeping your home secure. A home with an installed alarm that does not subscribe to a monitoring service will not by itself notify anyone, including the authorities. B&D Security Inc. works with Monitronics Central Monitoring Station to provide the best monitoring system available.
    Monitronics Central Monitoring Station is 5-Diamond Certified by the CSAA. This means Monitronics’ team of professional emergency response representatives and state of the art monitoring technology are ready 24/7 to notify both you and law-enforcement when there is a breach in your security.

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Security Alarm Systems,

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    How to Reduce False Alarms,

    At B&D Security we recognize that false alarms are going to happen. But we believe that by educating the public about the common triggers and steps everyone can take to avoid triggering false alarms, we’ll be able to save everyone time so that more efforts can be directed to actual emergencies.
    Here are some examples of what often triggers false alarms throughout the year and especially during the Holidays:
    • hanging of banners, decorations, balloons, etc
    • guests staying at your home
    • employees at the office unfamiliar with your alarm system
    • a loose door or window
    • failure to disarm the alarm system when entering a protected area
    • triggering a motion sensor by turning on a heater, air conditioner or ceiling fan
    We’ve found that by taking the following steps many false alarms have been avoided:
    • clarify verification procedures with your alarm company
    • rehearse alarm cancellation procedures with authorized users
    • check motion sensors
    • check the batteries of your alarm system at recommended intervals
    • have your alarm company check your equipment
    • have your alarm company check that sensors are properly aligned and secured
    • notify your alarm company prior to testing your system
    • update your alarm company each time there is a change to the contact information originally provided (i.e. work or cell phone number change)
    If you can’t seem to identify why your alarm system is malfunctioning and/or triggering an alarm we recommend you notify your alarm company immediately.
    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Honeywell Home Security Alarms,,

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Safety Tips Part II , Home Security Alarm Syste,

    Last week we shared 5 Tips on how to keep you safe. Here are tips 6 -10 provided by B&D Security.
    1. Make sure your yard is well lit – especially around windows and entry doors. Not only will this deter predators from stalking your yard but it will allow you to see out if you suspect something is amiss.
    2. When you are away, don’t advertise – don’t let mail, newspapers, or recyclables and trash build up while you’re on vacation or away for work. Ask a trusted neighbor or friends to pick up these items to make your house look “lived in.”
    3. Practice key security – be wary about lending your keys to anyone. Key duplication is simple, takes just a few minutes, and costs pennies. Even if you trust the person you’re lending your house keys to, they may inadvertently make those keys available to unscrupulous folks looking to make a quick buck. Always ask for your keys back and consider using keys that cannot be duplicated or locks that can easily be rekeyed.
    4. Join or start a neighborhood watch – you don’t have to organize patrols, just talk with your neighbors and get them all to agree to be mindful of their surroundings. Tell them you’d be very appreciative if they’d keep a watchful eye on your property and you’d be happy to return the favor.
    5. Get educated – education is the key to prevention. Learn more about what you can do to prevent break-ins and keep your family safe. The National Crime Prevention Council ( has a wonderful website full of tips you can use to stay safe. You may also find your local police or sheriff’s department has a list of resources, training courses, or educational material available to you.
    This is just the first in a series of articles designed to help you stay safe and secure in your home. Stay tuned in as B&D Security continues to bring you tips, tools, and techniques you can use to keep yourself, your loved ones, and your home safe while your away from home, during the summer vacation season, during the holidays, when the kids go back to school, and every day (and night) of the year.

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Home Security Burglar Alarms,

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Safety Tips Part I,

    Safety Tips Part I , B & D Security

    While violent crime rates continue to
    drop around the country, property crimes are on the increase. In fact, the
    latest round of crime statistics for the United States is quite
    sobering.Last year alone there were 2,222,196 burglaries – that’s one break
    in every 14 seconds! Those burglaries lasted, on average, just 90 seconds each
    and cost home owners over $2,000 (not including the cost for home
    repairs).If that’s not scary enough 28% of those burglaries happened when
    one or more of the occupants were at home. Intruders aren’t as wary about
    breaking in when you’re around as you may think.In fact, much of what you
    think you may know about burglaries is wrong. Most break-ins occur in
    residential homes, not businesses. And these heinous criminals aren’t lurking
    in the shadows and picking your locks to get at your stuff. 85% of burglaries
    happen in broad daylight (between 10 AM and 3 PM) and most (up to 2/3) of those
    intruders gain access to the home through an unlocked window
    or door.Here at B&D Security we strongly believe that education is
    the key to your safety and security and we’re committed to protecting you, your
    loved ones, and your belongings.So what can you do to protect yourself, your
    family, and your possessions from this unrelenting assault? Here are 5 tips
    from B&D Security you can use to stay
    1. Consider an alarm
      – finding the perfect system that fits your needs is key.
      They don’t have to cost a lot of money either. Something as simple as a few
      motion sensors or a couple of security cameras may be all you need to deter any
      potential burglar.
    2. Lock your doors and
      – it sounds silly but most burglars get into houses
      unimpeded through unlocked doors and windows. Always lock everything – even
      when you’re home – to prevent unwanted
    3. Examine
      your doors and windows
      – Are your locks as strong as you think?
      Consider installing metal or heavy wood doors on all entryways and always
      install a deadbolt. Be sure that the deadbolt you select extends at least one
      inch into the door’s jamb and if your lock is within 40 inches of a window you
      may want to install a double-cylinder deadbolt (which requires a key to open
      from the inside as well). You can also install keyed locking devices on all
      of your windows, just be sure that family members know where they can find keys
      if an emergency arises.
    4. Be smart with
      information security
      – never leave a message on your answering
      machine, Facebook, MySpace or other social media sites about going away for
      vacations, extended weekend trips, or even quick runs to the grocery store.
      To burglars these are like advertisements for blue light specials at your
    5. Install automated or timed
      – lights, televisions, and even radios can be turned on
      remotely or via timer to make it appears as if you are home when you’re not.
      This may not keep hardcore burglars out but it will deter opportunistic thieves
      looking for a quick payday.
    Check back next week to learn 5
    new safety tips you can start using right away to keep your home and family
    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Security Alarm Systems for Residential and Commercial,

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    B & D has provided me with very good service,

    "My name is Aurora. I am very happy with my alarm system. B&D has provided me with very good service. Three of my neighbors have the same service and they are as happy as I am. There’s been an occasions were the alarm has been activated and Monitronics has responded promptly. I am very happy and I would recommend the service. It is very important to have an alarm system. I can leave my home without any concerns. I come home really happy because I know I am protected. I can sleep comfortable at night because I know the alarm system will protect my family and me. I appreciate the service and I would recommend B&D."

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    Home and Business Security Alarms ,

    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca

    I recently had an alarm put it in my home,

    My name is Robert Selleck Jr. I recently had an alarm put it in my home. My father Robert had just installed a system for his home. He told me how happy he was about getting the protection he needed for my mom and sister. The sales team and the installer were able to explain in detail all the benefits of having a Security System. I was contemplating on getting one but I did not know whom to go to. When I heard that my father had gotten B & D security, I had a system installed in my home as well. I was very pleased with the performance of the system; as well as the overall service. They were very punctual and professional.
    I really would recommend everyone to have a Home Security System; it gives me a peace of mind. I would highly recommend anyone looking into getting a Home Security System, to go through the same experience I had, and my family.
    Best wishes to your success of your business.
    Robert Selleck
    Noel Gomez

    Cell (562) 325 4359
    Fax (562) 821 2904

    9120 Norwalk Blvd
    Santa Fe Springs,Ca